Mittwoch, 4. September 2013

Melisa, mein lieblings Schatz, hat mich Nominiert für "der Liebster [Blog Award]"

Der Liebster Blog Award (Part.1)

  Die Regeln

1.) Beantworte die 1o Fragen
2.) denke dir 1o neue Fragen aus
3.) Tagge weitere Blogger mit weniger als 2oo Followern

So hier die Fragen an mich und meine Antworten:

1) Zähle Menschen auf, die du bewunderst nenne den Grund dafür
    Meli: weil sie uns die Dunklen strecken auf unserem Lebensweg erhellt.
    Bebbie Ford:weil sie am Tiefsten Punkt an dem ein Mensch sein kann, die 
    Kraft hatte auf zu stehen, Ihr leben zu verändern und somit auch das leben 
    vieler Menschen berührt hat, in dem uns Lehrte,uns selbst zu vergeben und uns 
    selbst zu lieben wie wir sind. 

2.) Wenn du in einer anderen Zeit geboren worden würdest, wann wäre es gewesen?

     Ich hätte gerne die Hängenden Gärten der Semiramis gesehen.

3.) Welches Essen kannst du am Besten kochen?

     Thailändische Reißsuppe.

4.) Welche Fantasie-Figur magst du am Meisten (zB Comic-Figur) & warum?

     kyoko mogami von skip beat ich finde es toll wie sich aus ihren 
     ursprünglichen Rachegedanken etwas Wichtigeres in ihrem
     Leben findet und wächst
5) Wie würdest du dich für eine Kostümparty verkleiden?

     Piratin oder Hexe^^

6) Wie oft kaufst du dir neue Klamotten?

   Unterschiedlich, wenn ich das Geld dazu habe und was sehe das mir gefehlt.

7) Warum hast du angefangen zu bloggen?

    Melis Blogg hat mir gefallen und ich finde es spannend einfach drauf los zu 
    schreiben über Sachen die mich beschäftigen und mich mitteilen zu können.

8) Welche Kamera benutzt du?

    Ich habe zwar eine separate Kamera aber ich benutze zu 99% meine 
    Samsung Note 1. Bin halt der totale SAMSUNG Fan.


9) Süßigkeiten oder Süßgebäck?

    Beides je nach Lust und Laune.

10) Traumziel -/ land

       Physiotherapeutin werden.

Part.2 mit meinen Fragen und Nominierung folgt noch.^^

 THX for reading ^^

Montag, 2. September 2013

Denk mal an die Menschen die euch lieben.

Melisa hat mir einen Link zu diesem Youtube-video geschickt.
Mich hat es nachdenklich gemacht.
Ich glaube wir sollten uns ab und zu ein kleinen wenig zeit nehmen,
um an die Menschen zu denken die uns Lieben oder die sich um uns sorgen.

THX for reading ^^

Samstag, 29. Juni 2013

What did I had to do on my Interview.

One of the AWKWARD moments of my life.

At fist all candidate had do wait in on Large room.
Then something had happened you rather don't want ever to happen, even less when you’re in a room full of strangers. I put my full (and to heavy) back on the chair, so it falls over witch I didn't realized
I try to sit down, so I ended up on the blank floor. AWKWARD!!!
But luckily everybody was too nervous. Nobody laugh and my neighbor help me up.

First test round 1

After the Director had introduced herself and cleared some formalities the first test had started.
She read aloud a text to us twice and we weren't allow to took notes while she read.When she finished we had to write down the text within 10 min.(definitely more than to remember all)

Text: "Urlaub troz Behinderung"(" Holiday despite disability ")from Diana Schraudolph

Second test in the Gym  

We was split in teams of two, at fist I had to pick up a skipping rope and I just do some 
exercises witch my partner had to copy and than switch I had to copy my partners exercises. Next was to pick up a cart then memorize the figure on it and whit hands on the back we had to instruct our Partner to do the same figure. After that on of the partners was blind folded and the other has to lead them along a line on the floor whit out talking. Separate gym practice whit a Boll. At lest we have made a group assignment whit four people.The task was to build a figure whit only 2 feet's and 2 leg's and no back of the whole group touching the ground.

(our figure wasn't that extraordinary but it works^^)

The third test was a Group Interview

We had a short break, and then we were called to the Interview in a Group of four. First we introduced ourselves, told about our life what, we have done, learned till now and why we would like to become a Physiotherapist. I also told them that I started Free Style Kung-Fu and Escrima (I will do the next post about this Topic. ^^) Next they ask on by on questions, my was to imagining: "You have pass the tree years and working in at a Physiotherapist practice, what a your duties" To do exercises,
massage, to talk whit the patient so we know her/his biography and normal paperwork like in other jobs.

Final IQ Test 

 (The test was 2 hours loon, when I fished my head smoked

Part.1: Find the right Figure.

Part.2:Witch the figure does not match each other.

Part.3: The following number sequences are built according to fixed rules.
           Complete the lines.
  1. 6 -1 8 -3 10 ?

  2. 2 5 10 17 ?

  3. 3 5 9 17 33 ?

  4. 2 4 3 9 8 32 ?

  5. 11 18 25 39 60 102 ? 
Part.4: The following number/letter sequences are built according to
          fixed rules witch number/letter is wrong.     
  1. AA bb CC Dd
  2. 4 a 5 b 8 c 10
  3. BB 3 DD 6 EE 9
  4. 28 z 21 a 14 y 7

Part.5: Calculate booth Math-exercise if the fist exercise is higher
           Calculate minus the second outcome. Is the second outcome
           higher then plus booth outcome.            

  1. 1+5-3 ( 13 )           1+5-3 = 3         Answer: 13
    9-5+6                    9-5+6  =1
  2. 10-1+5 (  8 )         10-1+5=14          Answer: 8
    4-3+5                   4-3+5  =6

So now I am waiting for an Answer. This video is for all people who has to wait.
Soo kill some time and enjoy the song. ^^

THX for reading ^^

Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013

Yeah got my Invitation.

Today I have my interview/test for my apprenticeship as an Physiotherapist.
I'm totally nervous!

But on the other side I'm totally feel lucky cause this is one step closer to my Dream.

So I wish for all people who is on the rode to fulfill their Dreams:




                                for their hole way.

   THX for reading ^^

Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013

What a Physiotherapist do.

A physiotherapist help patients regain their range of movement, or to support patients with permanent disabilities to prevent further damage and increase the patient's functionality. Physiotherapist works with people who have become disabled by injury, illness, or age.

Why is the Work of a Physiotherapist important today?

Doctors this day's have less and less time for their patient, so one of the duties of a Physiotherapist is to make a diagnosis by using enough time to find out where the symptoms are coming from.

Why do I wont to become a Physiotherapist?!

To get and also give other people a better live. I would love to become a Physiotherapist to do a meaningful career in witch people get relief or healing. In my opinion I'm challenged as a person and also give good meanings back to the society.

 THX for reading ^^

Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013

Hello Everybody and welcome to My Crazy Live.

First here are some information about me.^^
I'm 25 years old and after a long way on a rocky road of life, I found self-awareness.
So now I will do my best to become a Physiotherapist.

For this reason I have to do Internship in a retirement home.
(First steps do become a Physiotherapist.)

I am at some turning point in my life and there a many changes in my private life.

Sometimes I worry "Did I made the right decisions “so when I finally got to sleep it was 2 O Clock in the Night.

Five hours later I didn't hear the alarm clock.
I was totally ashamed because I was too late.^^

My Conclusion:  stop worrying, sleep at night and do your best at daytime. ^^

 THX for reading ^^