Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013

Hello Everybody and welcome to My Crazy Live.

First here are some information about me.^^
I'm 25 years old and after a long way on a rocky road of life, I found self-awareness.
So now I will do my best to become a Physiotherapist.

For this reason I have to do Internship in a retirement home.
(First steps do become a Physiotherapist.)

I am at some turning point in my life and there a many changes in my private life.

Sometimes I worry "Did I made the right decisions “so when I finally got to sleep it was 2 O Clock in the Night.

Five hours later I didn't hear the alarm clock.
I was totally ashamed because I was too late.^^

My Conclusion:  stop worrying, sleep at night and do your best at daytime. ^^

 THX for reading ^^

1 Kommentar:

  1. I want to know more about Physiotherapist.... pleaassseeee.... -.- XD
